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Title: Ashes and Diamonds
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.414
Imdb Votes: 233
Duration: 103 mins
Year: 1958
Language: Polish,
Genre: Drama, War, Romance,
Country: Poland,


A young academy soldier, Maciek Chelmicki, is ordered to shoot the secretary of the KW PPR. A coincidence causes him to kill someone else. Meeting face to face with his victim, he gets a shock. He faces the necessity of repeating the assassination. He meets Krystyna, a girl working as a barmaid in the restaurant of the "Monopol" hotel. His affection for her makes him even more aware of the senselessness of killing at the end of the war. Loyalty to the oath he took, and thus the obligation to obey the order, tips the scales.


Actors - Crew

Zbigniew Cybulski
Maciek Chełmicki
Ewa Krzyżewska
Krystyna Rozbicka
Wacław Zastrzeżynski
Adam Pawlikowski
Andrzej Kossecki
Bogumił Kobiela
Jan Ciecierski
Jerzy Wójcik
Director of Photography
Andrzej Wajda
Roman Mann
Production Design
Bohdan Bieńkowski
Jan Włodarczyk
Assistant Director
Katarzyna Chodorowicz
Costume Design

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