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Title: Lucky Jim
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.3
Imdb Votes: 20
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1957
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Jim Dixon feels anything but lucky. At the university he has to do the bidding of absent-minded and boring Professor Welch to have any hope of keeping his job. Worse, he has managed to get entangled with unexciting but neurotic Margaret Peel, a friend of the Professor's. All-in-all, the pub is the only friendly place to be. His misery is completed at a dreadful weekend gathering of the Welch clan by the arrival of son Bertrand. Not so much that Betrand is loud-mouthed and boorish - which he is - but that he has as companion Christine Callaghan, the sort of marvellous and unattainable woman Jim can only dream about.


Actors - Crew

Ian Carmichael
Jim Dixon
Bertrand Welch
Hugh Griffith
Professor Welch
Sharon Acker
Christine Callaghan
Jean Anderson
Mrs. Welch
Maureen Connell
Margaret Peel
John Boulting
Max Benedict
Ray Sturgess
Camera Operator
Jeffrey Dell
Additional Writing
Henry Passmore
Production Supervisor
Philip Shipway
Assistant Director

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