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Title: Les Girls
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.4
Imdb Votes: 50
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1957
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Music, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele. A Rashômon style narrative presents the story from three points of view where Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair with Barry, while Angele insists that it was actually Sybil who was having the affair. Finally, Barry gives his side of the story.


Actors - Crew

Gene Kelly
Barry Nichols
Mitzi Gaynor
Joanne Henderson
Kay Kendall
Lady Sybil Wren
Taina Elg
Angèle Ducros
Jacques Bergerac
Pierre Ducros
Leslie Phillips
Sir Gerald Wren
George Cukor
Vera Caspary
Costume Design
John Patrick
Cole Porter
Saul Chaplin

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