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Title: Fire Down Below
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 26
Duration: 116 mins
Year: 1957
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Adventure, Romance,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


Tony and Felix own a tramp boat, and sail around the Caribbean doing odd jobs and drinking a lot. They agree to ferry the beautiful but passportless Irena to another island. They both fall for her, leading to betrayal and a break-up of their partnership. Tony takes a job on a cargo ship. After a collision he finds himself trapped below deck with time running out (the ship is aflame), and only Felix, whom he hates and has sworn to kill, left to save him.


Actors - Crew

Rita Hayworth
Robert Mitchum
Felix Bowers
Jack Lemmon
Herbert Lom
Harbour Master
Bernard Lee
Doctor Sam
Bonar Colleano
Lt. Sellers
Robert Parrish
Albert R. Broccoli
Irving Allen
Pierre Balmain
Costume Design
William Kirby
Production Supervisor
John Box
Set Designer

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