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Title: World in My Corner
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.4
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 82 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.


Actors - Crew

Audie Murphy
Tommy Shea
Barbara Rush
Dorothy Mallison
Jeff Morrow
Robert T. Mallison
John McIntire
Dave Bernstein
Tommy Rall
Ray Kacsmerek
Howard St. John
Harry Cram
Jack Sher
Joseph Stone
Aaron Rosenberg
Maury Gertsman
Director of Photography
Alexander Golitzen
Art Direction
Bill Newberry
Art Direction

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