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Title: The Iron Petticoat
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 16
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English, Italian,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Captain Vinka Kovalenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superiority of communism. Naturally, they fall in love, but there's still the KGB, which doesn't like the idea of having a defected Russian officer running around in London.


Actors - Crew

Bob Hope
Captain Chuck Lockwood
Katharine Hepburn
Captain Vinka Kovalenko
Noelle Middleton
Lady Constance Warburton-Watts
James Robertson Justice
Colonel Vladimir Denisovich Sklarnoff
Robert Helpmann
Ivan Kropotkin
David Kossoff
Dr. Anton Antonovich Dubratz
Ralph Thomas
Ben Hecht
Ernest Steward
Director of Photography
James H. Ware
Assistant Director
Joan Davis
John W. Mitchell
Sound Recordist

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