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Title: Rock Around the Clock
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 77 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Music, Romance, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


A frustrated big-band promoter runs in to rock-and-rollers Bill Haley and the Comets at a small-town dance. He quickly becomes their manager and, with the help of Alan Freed, hopes to bring the new sound to the entire country. But will a conniving booking agent, with a personal ax to grind with the manager, conspire to keep the band from making the big time?


Actors - Crew

Johnny Johnston
Steve Hollis
Alix Talton
Corinne Talbot
Lisa Gaye
Lisa Johns
John Archer
Mike Dodd
Henry Slate
Corny LaSalle
Earl Barton
Jimmy Johns
Fred F. Sears
James B. Gordon
Robert E. Kent
Sam Katzman

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