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Title: Lisbon
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1956
Language: French, English, Portuguese,
Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller,
Country: Portugal, United States of America,


For Capt. Robert John Evans, smuggling black-market goods is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day he's hired by Aristides Mavros for a more involved assignment -- sneaking an imprisoned American out of communist-controlled territory. The job seems challenging enough, but when he meets the prisoner's sultry wife, Sylvia, he realizes his mission comes with a startling catch: Not only must he rescue this man, he must bring him back from the dead.


Actors - Crew

Ray Milland
Robert John Evans
Maureen O'Hara
Sylvia Merrill
Claude Rains
Aristides Mavros
Francis Lederer
Yvonne Furneaux
Maria Maddalena Masanet
Jay Novello
Ray Milland
Martin Rackin
John Tucker Battle
Frank Arrigo
Art Direction
William Bristow
William Lang
Assistant Director

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