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Title: It's Great to be Young!
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 94 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English,
Genre: Music, Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


IT’S GREAT TO A YOUNG stars John Mills as Dingle an easygoing high school teacher. When autocratic new headmaster Frome (Cecil Parker) begins imposing all sorts of repressive rules, Dingle does his best to stand up for his students, only to be dismissed for his troubles. The kids conspire to not only reinstate their favourite teacher, but to circumvent Frome's refusal to purchase new instruments for an upcoming music festival.


Actors - Crew

John Mills
Cecil Parker
Frome, Headmaster
John Salew
Routledge, a Senior Master
Elizabeth Kentish
Mrs Castle, a School Mistress
Mona Washbourne
Miss Merrow, a School Mistress
Mary Merrall
Miss Wyvern, a School Mistress
Cyril Frankel
Ted Willis
Gilbert Taylor
Ted Sturgis
Second Assistant Director
Denis Johnson
Assistant Director
Val Stewart
Camera Operator

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