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Title: Earth vs. the Flying Saucers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 155
Duration: 83 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Science Fiction,
Country: United States of America,


Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and increased reporting of UFO sightings culminate in a direct attempt by alien survivors of a dead, extra-galactic civilization to invade Earth from impervious flying saucers, using ray-weapons of mass destruction.


Actors - Crew

Hugh Marlowe
Dr. Russell A. Marvin
Joan Taylor
Carol Marvin
Donald Curtis
Maj. Huglin
Morris Ankrum
Brig. Gen. John Hanley
Thomas Browne Henry
Vice Adm. Enright
Grandon Rhodes
Gen. Edmunds
Fred F. Sears
Donald E. Keyhoe
Curt Siodmak
George Worthing Yates
Bernard Gordon
Ray Harryhausen
Visual Effects

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