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Title: Backlash
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 41
Duration: 84 mins
Year: 1956
Language: English,
Genre: Western,
Country: United States of America,


Jim Slater's father (whom he never knew) died in the Apache ambush at Gila Valley, and Jim is searching for the one survivor, who supposedly went for help but disappeared with a lot of gold. In the process, he gets several people gunning for him, and he keeps meeting liberated woman Karyl Orton, who may be on a similar mission. Renewed Apache hostilities and an impending range war provide complications.


Actors - Crew

Richard Widmark
Jim Slater
Donna Reed
Karyl Orton
William Campbell
Johnny Cool
John McIntire
Jim Bonniwell / William Slater
Barton MacLane
Sergeant George Lake
Harry Morgan
Tony Welker
Aaron Rosenberg
Frank Gruber
Borden Chase
Sherman Todd
John Sturges
Joan St. Oegger

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