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Title: Three Men in the Snow
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.4
Imdb Votes: 25
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1955
Language: German,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: Austria,


The multi-millionaire Eduard Schlüter takes part under the name Schulze in a raffle of his own Schlüter works and wins a stay at the Grand Hotel. Disguised as a poor swallower, he would like to study the reactions of the hotel staff and guests. As an assistant, he takes his reliable servant Johann with him. Once there, he makes friends and also has cause for annoyance when his daughter and the housekeeper arrive.


Actors - Crew

Paul Dahlke
Geheimrat Schlüter
Günther Lüders
Diener Johann Kesselhut
Claus Biederstaedt
Dr. Fritz Hagedorn
Nicole Heesters
Margarete Haagen
Hausdame Kunkel
Alma Seidler
Mutter Hagedorn
Kurt Hoffmann
Erich Kästner
Karl F. Sommer
Paula Dvorak
Sándor Szlatinay
Original Music Composer
Richard Angst
Director of Photography

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