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Title: The Crooked Web
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 77 mins
Year: 1955
Language: English, German,
Genre: Crime,
Country: United States of America,


Following WWII, ex-G.I. Stan opened up a drive-in restaurant. His girlfriend, Joanie, is one of the car hops. They want to get married someday, but the less-than-stellar business the restaurant takes in puts a hold on that plan. One day, Joanie's ne’er-do-well brother Frank blows into town with a money-making scheme. She's against it, but Stan - an inveterate gambler - finds the promise of riches too seductive to resist…


Actors - Crew

Frank Lovejoy
Stanley E. 'Stan' Fabian
Mari Blanchard
Joanie Daniel
Richard Denning
Frank Daniel
John Mylong
Herr Koenig
Harry Lauter
Sgt. Mike Jancoweizc
Steven Ritch
Ramon 'Ray' Torres
Henry Freulich
Director of Photography
Sam Katzman
Edwin H. Bryant
Nathan H. Juran
Lou Breslow

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