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Title: Picnic
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 96
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1955
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Labor Day in a small Kansas farm town. Hal, a burly and resolute drifter, jumps off a dusty freight train car with the purpose of visiting Alan, a former college classmate and son of the richest man in town.


Actors - Crew

William Holden
Hal Carter
Kim Novak
Madge Owens
Rosalind Russell
Rosemary - The School Teacher
Betty Field
Flo Owens
Susan Strasberg
Millie Owens
Cliff Robertson
Alan Benson
Daniel Taradash
Joshua Logan
Jean Louis
Costume Designer
Arthur Morton
Helen Hunt
Hair Designer
George Cooper

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