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Title: The 'Maggie'
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 33
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1954
Language: English, Gaelic,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


The poor, elderly—and the wily, when it comes to parting those who can afford it from their money—Scottish skipper of a broken-down old 'puffer' boat tricks an American tycoon into paying him to transport his personal cargo. When the tycoon learns of the trick, he attempts to track down the boat and remove his possessions.


Actors - Crew

Paul Douglas
Calvin B. Marshall, the American
Alex Mackenzie
Captain McTaggart, the Skipper
James Copeland
The Mate
Abe Barker
The Engineer
Tommy Kearins
Doogie, the Wee Boy
Hubert Gregg
Alexander Mackendrick
Gordon Dines
Director of Photography
William Rose
Peter Tanner
Stephen Dalby
Chic Waterson
Camera Operator

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