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Title: 2x2 Are Sometimes 5
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 8
Imdb Votes: 1
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1954
Language: Hungarian,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: Hungary,


One of the most popular musical comedies of the 1950s starts with flirting between a bohemian sport pilot and a serious mathematics teacher. The lesson is that in life, not everything happens as would appear logical at the outset. In the wake of the inflexible and demagogic dramas of Stalinism, this colourful comedy was a true breath of fresh air. It is innovative not only for being full of great hits but also for being the first film in a very long time that was about pure love.


Actors - Crew

Violetta Ferrari
Dr. Tóth Panna
Ferenc Zenthe
Kerekes András
Zoltán Makláry
Manyi Kiss
Ferenc Kállai
Lohrák Lajos
György Révész
Dénes Kovács
Albert Vajda

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