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Title: Trouble in Store
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 20
Duration: 85 mins
Year: 1953
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Norman is working in the stock room of a large London department store, but he has ambition (doesn't he always !!), he wants to be a window dresser making up the public displays. Whilst trying to fulfill his ambition, he falls in love (doesn't he always !!), with one of the shopgirls. Together they discover a plot to rob the store and, somehow, manage to foil the robbers.


Actors - Crew

Norman Wisdom
Moira Lister
Peggy Drew
Megs Jenkins
Miss Gibson
Jerry Desmonde
August Freeman
Margaret Rutherford
Miss Bacon
Lana Morris
Sally Wilson
John Paddy Carstairs
Ted Willis
Maurice Cowan
Jack Bygrave
Assistant Editor

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