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Title: The Sea has Risen
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 135 mins
Year: 1953
Language: Hungarian,
Genre: Drama, History,
Country: Hungary,


March 15, 1848; the revolution breaks out in the town of Pest. Yet at café Pilvax, in among he revolutionary youth, there is the informer of the imperial court as well. Hearing the news of the attack led by Jellasics, the inhabitants of the villages pour into the national army, and Hajdú Gyurka also escapes from his landlord. Petőfi is there at the camp of the revolutionaries, raising them to enthusiasm with his poetry.


Actors - Crew

Lajos Básti
Lajos Kossuth
János Görbe
Sándor Petõfi
Zoltán Makláry
József Bem
Ferenc Bessenyei
Áron Gábor
Violetta Ferrari
Petõfi's wife - Júlia Szendrey
Iván Darvas
Pál Vasvári
Nádasdy Kálmán
László Ranódy
Frigyes Kemenes
Sound Engineer
Ferenc Szabó
Mihály Szemes
Mihály Morell

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