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Title: Salome
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.78
Imdb Votes: 41
Duration: 103 mins
Year: 1953
Language: Italian, English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


In the reign of emperor Tiberius, Gallilean prophet John the Baptist preaches against King Herod and Queen Herodias. The latter wants John dead, but Herod fears to harm him due to a prophecy. Enter beautiful Princess Salome, Herod's long-absent stepdaughter. Herodias sees the king's dawning lust for Salome as her means of bending the king to her will. But Salome and her lover Claudius are (contrary to Scripture) nearing conversion to the new religion. And the famous climactic dance turns out to have unexpected implications...


Actors - Crew

Rita Hayworth
Princess Salome
Charles Laughton
King Herod
Stewart Granger
Commander Claudius
Judith Anderson
Queen Herodias
Alan Badel
John the Baptist
Cedric Hardwicke
Tiberius Caesar
Harry Kleiner
Jesse Lasky Jr.
William Dieterle
Clay Campbell
Makeup Artist
Lodge Cunningham
Sound Engineer
Robert J. Schiffer
Makeup Artist

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