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Title: Beneath the 12-Mile Reef
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 30
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1953
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Mike and Tony Petrakis are a Greek father and son team who dive for sponges off the coast of Florida. After they are robbed by crooks, Arnold and the Rhys brothers, Mike decides to take his men to the dangerous 12-mile reef to dive for more sponges. Mike suffers a fatal accident when he falls from the reef leaving Tony to carry on the business. But now he has a companion, Gwyneth Rhys.


Actors - Crew

Robert Wagner
Tony Petrakis
Terry Moore
Gwyneth Rhys
Gilbert Roland
Mike Petrakis
J. Carrol Naish
Socrates Houlis
Richard Boone
Thomas Rhys
Angela Clarke
Mama Petrakis
Robert D. Webb
Robert Bassler
Edward Cronjager
Director of Photography
William Reynolds
A.I. Bezzerides
Darryl F. Zanuck
Executive Producer

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