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Title: Mutiny
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.8
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 77 mins
Year: 1952
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, War, History,
Country: United States of America,


Early in the War of 1812, Captain James Marshall is commissioned to run the British blockade and fetch an unofficial war loan from France. As first mate, Marshall recruits Ben Waldridge, a cashiered former British Navy captain. Waldridge brings his former gun crew...who begin plotting mutiny as soon as they learn there'll be gold aboard. The gold duly arrives, and with it Waldridge's former sweetheart Leslie, who's fond of a bit of gold herself. Which side is Waldridge really on?


Actors - Crew

Mark Stevens
Capt. James Marshall
Angela Lansbury
Leslie Waldridge
Patric Knowles
Capt. Ben Waldridge
Gene Evans
Rhys Williams
Robert Osterloh
Feversham, Gunner
Edward Dmytryk
Maurice King
Robert Priestley
Set Decoration
Jay A. Morley Jr.
Costume Design
Sidney Harmon
Ernest Laszlo
Director of Photography

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