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Title: Flesh and Fury
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 7
Duration: 83 mins
Year: 1952
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.


Actors - Crew

Tony Curtis
Paul Callan
Jan Sterling
Sonya Bartow
Mona Freeman
Ann Hollis
Wallace Ford
Jack 'Pop' Richardson
Connie Gilchrist
Mrs. Richardson
Katherine Locke
Mrs. Hollis
Irving Glassberg
Director of Photography
Virgil W. Vogel
Leonard Goldstein
William Alland
Joseph Pevney
Emrich Nicholson
Art Direction

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