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Title: Derby Day
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 84 mins
Year: 1952
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United Kingdom,


Entertaining ensemble piece dealing with several characters who are on the way to the races on Derby day. It cleverly blends dramatic, romantic and comic elements, including the woman and lover who have murdered her husband, and the working class couple who are excited about their chance to go to the races, but end up listening to it on the radio in the car-park because they've got such a bad view.


Actors - Crew

Anna Neagle
Lady Helen Forbes
Michael Wilding
David Scott
Googie Withers
Betty Molloy
John McCallum
Tommy Dillon
Peter Graves
Gerald Berkeley
Suzanne Cloutier
Michele Jolivet
Bill Lewthwaite
John Baines
Herbert Wilcox
Maurice Cowan
Arthur Austen
Anthony Collins
Original Music Composer

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