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Title: Five Men of Edo
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 1
Duration: 132 mins
Year: 1951
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Action, Drama,
Country: Japan,


During the 17th Century roving bands of hatamoto were causing trouble in the new capital city of Edo and constantly fought with the townspeople at every turn. The leader of these ruthless samruai was Mizuno Jirozaemon, who despite his high rank was in deep financial distress, thus leading to a tragedy that shook the very streets of the city.Opposing him was Banzui-in Chobei, the ‘Protector of the Weak’ who was willing to put his life on the line to save the 808 districts of Edo from the 80,000 hatamoto whose violent behavior threatened to destroy the fabric of society. Starring Bando Tsumasaburo, the first great star of the silver screen along with mega-star Ichikawa Utaemon, this is a story not to be missed. Torn from the pages of history, this true story has been told many times, but never as powerfully as this!


Actors - Crew

Tsumasaburō Bandō
Banzuin Chobei
Utaemon Ichikawa
Jurozaemon Mizuno
Isuzu Yamada
Okane, Chobei's wife
Kōkichi Takada
Masao Mishima
Tonosuke Kondo
Kusuo Abe
Yume no Ichirobei
Tadaoto Kainoshō
Daisuke Itō
Fuji Yahiro
Shin'ichi Yanagawa
Yoshikata Yoda
Sennosuke Tsukimori

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