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Title: Captain Carey, U.S.A.
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.429
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 82 mins
Year: 1950
Language: English,
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, War,
Country: United States of America,


Near the end of World War II, a secret American raid on an enemy transportation hub goes very wrong when a turncoat warns the enemy. Led by Capt. Webster Carey, the mission causes the deaths of many bystanders -- among them, Carey believes, his Italian girlfriend, Giulia de Graffi. Back home, Carey stumbles across evidence that might uncover the identity of the informant. But, when he returns to Italy to get even, Carey is stunned by what he finds.


Actors - Crew

Alan Ladd
Captain Webster Carey
Wanda Hendrix
Baronessa Giulia de Greffi
Francis Lederer
Baron Rocco de Greffi
Joseph Calleia
Dr. Lunati
Celia Lovsky
Countess Francesca de Cresci
Richard Avonde
Count Carlo de Cresci
Mitchell Leisen
Martha Albrand
Robert Thoeren
Fred True
Ray Moyer
Set Decoration
Alma Macrorie

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