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Title: The Bishop's Wife
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.068
Imdb Votes: 227
Duration: 109 mins
Year: 1947
Language: English, French,
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.


Actors - Crew

Cary Grant
Loretta Young
Julia Brougham
David Niven
Henry Brougham
Monty Woolley
Professor Wutheridge
James Gleason
Gladys Cooper
Mrs. Hamilton
Henry Koster
Leonardo Bercovici
Samuel Goldwyn
Robert E. Sherwood
Robert Nathan
George Jenkins
Art Direction

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