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Title: The Overlanders
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1946
Language: English,
Genre: Western, Adventure,
Country: Australia, United Kingdom,


It's the start of WWII in Northern Australia. The Japanese are getting close. People are evacuating and burning everything in a "scorched earth" policy. Rather than kill all their cattle, a disparate group decides to drive them overland half way across the continent, from Wyndham in Western Australia through the Northern Territory outback of Australia to pastures north of Brisbane, Queensland.


Actors - Crew

Chips Rafferty
Dan McAlpine
John Nugent Hayward
Bill Parsons
Daphne Campbell
Mary Parsons
Jean Blue
Mrs. Parsons
Helen Grieve
Helen Parsons
John Fernside
Harry Watt
Osmond Borradaile
Director of Photography
Carl Kayser
Camera Operator
Michael Balcon
Inman Hunter
John Ireland
Original Music Composer

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