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Title: Isle of the Dead
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 108
Duration: 71 mins
Year: 1945
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United States of America,


On a Greek island during the 1912 war, several people are trapped by quarantine for the plague. If that isn't enough worry, one of the people—a superstitious old peasant—suspects a young woman of being a vampiric demon.


Actors - Crew

Boris Karloff
Gen. Nikolas Pherides
Ellen Drew
Marc Cramer
Oliver Davis
Katherine Emery
Mary St. Aubyn
Helene Thimig
Madame Kyra
Alan Napier
St. Aubyn
Jack J. Gross
Executive Producer
Mark Robson
Ardel Wray
Val Lewton
Leigh Harline
Original Music Composer
Jack MacKenzie
Director of Photography

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