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Title: The Song of Bernadette
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.027
Imdb Votes: 111
Duration: 156 mins
Year: 1943
Language: French, English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


In 1858 Lourdes, France, Bernadette, an adolescent peasant girl, has a vision of "a beautiful lady" in the city dump. She never claims it to be anything other than this, but the townspeople all assume it to be the Virgin Mary. The pompous government officials think she is nuts, and do their best to suppress the girl and her followers, and the church wants nothing to do with the whole matter. But as Bernadette attracts wider and wider attention, the phenomenon overtakes everyone in the the town, and transforms their lives.


Actors - Crew

Jennifer Jones
William Eythe
Antoine Nicolau
Charles Bickford
Father Peyramale
Vincent Price
Prosecutor Vital Dutour
Lee J. Cobb
Dr. Dozous
Gladys Cooper
Sister Marie Therese Vauzous
Henry King
Franz Werfel
Alfred Newman
Original Music Composer
James Basevi
Art Direction
William S. Darling
Art Direction
William Perlberg

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