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Title: Coney Island
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.3
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1943
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Music,
Country: United States of America,


Set at the turn of the century, smooth talking con man Eddie Johnson weasels his way into a job at friend and rival Joe Rocco's Coney Island night spot. Eddie meets the club's star attraction (and Joe's love interest), Kate Farley, a brash singer with a penchant for flashy clothes. Eddie and Kate argue as he tries to soften her image. Eventually, Kate becomes the toast of Coney Island and the two fall in love. Joe then tries to sabotage their marriage plans.


Actors - Crew

Betty Grable
Kate Farley
George Montgomery
Eddie Johnson
Cesar Romero
Joe Rocco
Phil Silvers
Charles Winninger
Matt Briggs
William Hammerstein
Walter Lang
Yakima Canutt
Hermes Pan
Cyril J. Mockridge
Joseph C. Wright
Art Direction
Richard Day
Art Direction

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