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Title: Major Barbara
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.605
Imdb Votes: 19
Duration: 121 mins
Year: 1941
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Idealistic young Barbara is the daughter of rich weapons manufacturer Andrew Undershaft. She rebels against her estranged father by joining the Salvation Army. Wooed by professor-turned-preacher Adolphus Cusins, Barbara eventually grows disillusioned with her causes and begins to see things from her father's perspective.


Actors - Crew

Wendy Hiller
Major Barbara Undershaft
Rex Harrison
Adolphus Cusins
Robert Morley
Andrew Undershaft
Robert Newton
Bill Walker
Sybil Thorndike
The General
Emlyn Williams
Snobby Prince
Gabriel Pascal
George Bernard Shaw
Vincent Korda
Art Direction
Cecil Beaton
Costume Design
Charles Frend
Muir Mathieson
Music Director

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