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Title: Adventures of Captain Marvel
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.2
Imdb Votes: 28
Duration: 216 mins
Year: 1941
Language: English,
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Family,
Country: United States of America,


On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon


Actors - Crew

Tom Tyler
Captain Marvel
Frank Coghlan Jr.
Billy Batson
William Benedict
Whitey Murphy
Louise Currie
Betty Wallace
Robert Strange
John Malcolm
Harry Worth
Prof Luther Bentley
John English
Joseph F. Poland
Ronald Davidson
Norman S. Hall
Hiram S. Brown Jr.
Sol Shor

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