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Title: Three Faces West
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 79 mins
Year: 1940
Language: English, German,
Genre: Drama, Romance, Western,
Country: United States of America,


Viennese surgeon Dr. Braun and his daughter Leni come to a small town in North Dakota as refugees from Hitler. When the winds of the Dust Bowl threaten the town, John Phillips leads the townsfolk in moving to greener pastures in Oregon. He falls for Leni, but she is betrothed to the man who helped her and her father escape from the Third Reich. She must decide between the two men.


Actors - Crew

John Wayne
John Phillips
Sigrid Gurie
Leni 'Lenchen' Braun
Charles Coburn
Dr. Karl Braun
Spencer Charters
Dr. 'Nunk' Atterbury
Helen MacKellar
Mrs. Welles
Roland Varno
Dr. Eric Von Scherer
Bernard Vorhaus
F. Hugh Herbert
Joseph Moncure March
Samuel Ornitz
John Alton
Director of Photography
Victor Young
Original Music Composer

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