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Title: Three Texas Steers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.2
Imdb Votes: 10
Duration: 56 mins
Year: 1939
Language: English,
Genre: Western,
Country: United States of America,


Nancy Evans, lovely circus owner, has a ranch that she's never visited, but for sentimental reasons won't sell to Mike Abbott. Her partners, secretly in league with Abbott, sabotage the circus to force Nancy to sell the ranch; instead, she goes there to live. Will her neighbors, the Three Mesquiteers, be a match for the secret swindlers? And what's so valuable about that run-down ranch anyway?


Actors - Crew

John Wayne
Stony Brooke
Ray Corrigan
Tucson Smith / Willie the Gorilla
Max Terhune
Lullaby Joslin
Carole Landis
Nancy Evans
Ralph Graves
George Ward
Roscoe Ates
Sheriff Brown
George Sherman
Cliff Lyons
Ted Mapes
David Sharpe
Joe Yrigoyen
Betty Burbridge

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