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Title: Night Must Fall
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.1
Imdb Votes: 37
Duration: 116 mins
Year: 1937
Language: English,
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Wealthy widow Mrs. Bramson notices that her maid is distracted, and when she learns the girl's fiancé, Danny, is the reason, she summons him in. Mrs. Bramson's niece Olivia takes a liking to Danny, and comes to believe that he may have been involved in the disappearance of a local woman.


Actors - Crew

Robert Montgomery
Rosalind Russell
Olivia Grayne
May Whitty
Mrs. Bramson
Alan Marshal
Justin Laurie
Merle Tottenham
Dora Parkoe
Kathleen Harrison
Emily Terence
Emlyn Williams
Theatre Play
John Van Druten
Richard Thorpe
Cedric Gibbons
Art Direction
Hunt Stromberg
Ray June
Director of Photography

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