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Title: The Devil-Doll
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.8
Imdb Votes: 105
Duration: 78 mins
Year: 1936
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction,
Country: United States of America,


Wrongfully convicted of a robbery and murder, Paul Lavond breaks out of prison with a genius scientist who has devised a way to shrink humans. When the scientist dies during the escape, Lavond heads for his lab, using the shrinking technology to get even with those who framed him and vindicate himself in both the public eye and the eyes of his daughter, Lorraine. When an accident leaves a crazed assistant dead, however, Lavond must again make an escape.


Actors - Crew

Lionel Barrymore
Paul Lavond
Maureen O'Sullivan
Lorraine Lavond
Frank Lawton
Rafaela Ottiano
Robert Greig
Emil Coulvet
Lucy Beaumont
Madame Lavond
Franz Waxman
Original Music Composer
Tod Browning
Garrett Fort
Guy Endore
Erich von Stroheim
Leonard Smith
Director of Photography

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