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Title: The Crime of Monsieur Lange
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 83
Duration: 80 mins
Year: 1936
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, Crime, Comedy,
Country: France,


A man and a woman arrive in a cafe-hotel near the Belgian frontier. The customers recognize the man from the police's description: his name is Amedee Lange, and he murdered somebody in Paris. Lange was an employee in a printing works. His boss was a real bastard, swindling every one, seducing female workers... One day he fled to avoid facing his creditors, and the workers set up a cooperative to go on working. What then made Lange a killer?


Actors - Crew

René Lefèvre
Monsieur Lange
Jules Berry
Marcel Lévesque
The Concierge
Odette Talazac
The Concierge's Wife
Nadia Sibirskaïa
Jacques Prévert
André Halley des Fontaines
Roger Desormière
Marcel Blondeau
Art Direction
Jean Bachelet
Director of Photography
Jean Wiener
Original Music Composer

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