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Title: King of the Pecos
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 13
Duration: 54 mins
Year: 1936
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Western,
Country: United States of America,


Profiteer Alexander Stiles lays claim to a million acres of range in the Pecos River country, but a rancher named Claybor stands in his way as he has already claimed the water-rich location of Sweetwater as his own.


Actors - Crew

John Wayne
John Clayborn
Muriel Evans
Belle Jackson
Cy Kendall
Alexander Stiles
Jack Rube Clifford
Arthur Aylesworth
Hank Mathews
Herbert Heywood
Josh Billings
Joseph Kane
Bernard McConville
Dorrell McGowan
Lester Orlebeck
Jack A. Marta
Director of Photography
Paul Malvern
Supervising Producer

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