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Title: Radio Parade of 1935
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 3
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1934
Language: English,
Genre: Music, Romance, Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


One of the first screen outings for Will Hay. Hay plays the Director General of the National Broadcasting Group (NBG) who hides away in his office unaware that the general feeling about his programming is that it is too high-brow and the public are not happy. However, when he discovers this he decides to take action and promotes Jimmy, his Head of the Complaints Department, to Programme Director. Jimmy decides that a series of variety spectaculars are what the public want and sets about hiring the acts. But obstacles are put in his way and he discovers that the NBG has its own cluster of wannabe variety stars.


Actors - Crew

Will Hay
William Garland
Helen Chandler
Joan Garland
Clifford Mollison
Jimmie Clare
Davy Burnaby
Sir Frederick Fotheringhay
Alfred Drayton
Carl Graham
Billy Bennett
Arthur B. Woods
Edward B. Jarvis
James Bunting
Walter C. Mycroft
Paul Perez
Jack Davis Jr.

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