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Title: Japanese Girls at the Harbor
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.2
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 72 mins
Year: 1933
Language: No Language,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Japan,


Set in the port city of Yokohama, two girls, Sunako and Dora who attend a Christian school, pledge to be friends. But when a youth named Henry appears on his motorcycle and offers to take Sunako for a ride, we know that this friendship won't last and that the lives of both girls will change in ways they are barely able to comprehend, and can do little to change.


Actors - Crew

Michiko Oikawa
Sunako Kurokawa
Yukiko Inoue
Dora Kennel
Ureo Egawa
Ranko Sawa
Yôko Sheridan
Yumeko Aizome
Tatsuo Saitō
Hiroshi Shimizu
Tôma Kitabayashi
Mitsu Suyama
Tarô Sasaki
Director of Photography
Kotaro Inoue
Set Decoration
Tetsuzô Shibata
Costume Design

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