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Title: F.P.1
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 7
Duration: 74 mins
Year: 1933
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Crime,
Country: Germany,


Urged by famous airman Ellissen the Lennartz Company puts into reality the project proposed by his friend Droste: F.P.1, a huge floating platform in the Atlantic that makes long-distance flights viable. Ellissen is in love with company heiress Claire, but when he returns from his adventures to save the endangered F.P.1 he finds out that he has lost her to Droste. English version of F.P.1 antwortet nicht with Conrad Veidt replacing Hans Albers as the jaded pilot Ellissen.


Actors - Crew

Conrad Veidt
Maj. Ellissen
Jill Esmond
Claire Lennartz
Leslie Fenton
Capt. B.E. Droste
George Merritt
Donald Calthrop
Sunshine, the Photographer
Alexander Field
A Sailor
Karl Hartl

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