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Title: Kuhle Wampe or Who Owns the World?
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 23
Duration: 74 mins
Year: 1932
Language: German,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Germany,


Kuhle Wampe takes place in early-1930s Berlin. The film begins with a montage of newspaper headlines describing steadily-rising unemployment figures. This is followed by scenes of a young man looking for work in the city and the family discussing the unpaid back rent. The young man, brother of the protagonist Anni, removes his wristwatch and throws himself from a window out of despair. Shortly thereafter his family is evicted from their apartment. Now homeless, the family moves into a garden colony of sorts with the name “Kuhle Wampe.”


Actors - Crew

Hertha Thiele
Ernst Busch
Max Sablotzki
Vater Bönicke
Lilli Schoenborn
Mutter Bönike
Martha Wolter
Adolf Fischer
Ernst Ottwalt
Hanns Eisler
Original Music Composer
Günther Krampf
Director of Photography
C.P. Haacker
Art Direction
Bertolt Brecht
Robert Scharfenberg
Art Direction

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