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Title: F.P.1 Doesn't Answer
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 7
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1932
Language: German,
Genre: Science Fiction,
Country: Germany,


F.P.1 is a huge airplane landing dock in the Atlantic where pilots making the transatlantic flight can stop. Yet a saboteur tries to sink the technical wonder in this classic German science fiction film from 1932. The film was also created with English and French speaking actors at the same time.


Actors - Crew

Hans Albers
Flieger Ellissen
Sybille Schmitz
Claire Lennartz
Paul Hartmann
Kapitänleutnant Droste
Peter Lorre
Bildreporter Johnny
Hermann Speelmans
Chefingenieur Damsky
Paul Westermeier
Mann mit den Schiffbrüchen
Erich Pommer
Otto Suckrow
Costume Design
Eberhard Klagemann
Karl Hartl
Walter Reisch
Curt Siodmak

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