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Title: Asphalt
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.244
Imdb Votes: 45
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1929
Language: No Language,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Germany,


One of the last great German Expressionist films of the silent era, Joe May’s Asphalt is a love story set in the traffic-strewn Berlin of the late 1920s. Starring the delectable Betty Amann in her most famous leading role, Asphalt is a luxuriously produced UFA classic where tragic liaisons and fatal encounters are shaped alongside the constant roar of traffic.


Actors - Crew

Albert Steinrück
Hauptwachtmeister Holk
Else Heller
Mutter Holk
Gustav Fröhlich
Wachtmeister Albert Holk
Betty Amann
Else Kramer
Hans Adalbert Schlettow
Konsul Langen
Hans Albers
Erster Dieb
Joe May
Hans Székely
Günther Rittau
Director of Photography
Erich Pommer
Rolf E. Vanloo
René Hubert
Costume Design

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