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Title: The Eagle
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 48
Duration: 73 mins
Year: 1925
Language: No Language,
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Vladimir Dubrouvsky, a lieutenant in the Russian army, catches the eye of Czarina Catherine II. He spurns her advances and flees, and she puts out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive. Vladimir learns that his father's lands have been taken by the evil Kyrilla Troekouroff, and his father dies. He dons a black mask, and becomes the outlaw The Black Eagle. He enters the Troekouroff household disguised as a French instructor for Kyrilla's daughter Mascha. He is after vengeance, but instead falls in love with Mascha.


Actors - Crew

Rudolph Valentino
Lt. Vladimir Dubrovsky / The Black Eagle / Marcel Le Blanc
Vilma Banky
Mascha Troekouroff
Louise Dresser
The Czarina, Catherine II
Albert Conti
James A. Marcus
Kyrilla Troekouroff
George Nichols
Clarence Brown
Alexander Pushkin
Hal C. Kern
William Cameron Menzies
Set Decoration
Costume Design
George Barnes
Director of Photography

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