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Title: Manasse
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 8
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 74 mins
Year: 1925
Genre: Drama,
Country: Romania,


Lelia Cohanovici, a young Jewish woman from the capital falls in love with Matei Frunză, who is a Christian, but her parents, Nissim and Esther, want her to marry their coreligionist Emil Horn. Old Manasse, the girl's grandfather and the spiritual leader of the Cohanovici family comes all the way from Fălticeni to attend the wedding. But on the day of the ceremony the girl runs away to Matei. The relationship between the two young people and their wish to get married are little by little accepted by the Jewish family members, except for the fanatic Manasse who will die of bitterness when he sees that all his efforts to prevent this fail.


Actors - Crew

Dorina Demetrescu
Lelia Cohanovici
George Aurelian
Matei Frunză
Pepe Georgescu
Maria Ciucurescu
Romald Bulfinski
Jean Mihail
Scarlat Froda
Ronetti Roman
Theatre Play

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