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Title: Fante-Anne
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.818
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 72 mins
Year: 1920
Language: No Language,
Genre: Romance, Crime, Drama,
Country: Norway,


The story of an orphaned girl brought up by the Storlein family. Young Anne (Asta Nielsen) is brought as an infant to the Storlein farm by her mother, who has been traveling and is in need of a rest. The two are turned away at the door, and the mother takes her young daughter to the barn to sleep. The farmhand Jon discovers them in the morning but the mother has not made it through the night, so young Anne is taken in and raised by the family.


Actors - Crew

Aasta Nielsen
Anne 'Fante-Anne'
Einar Tveito
Jon Sandbakken
Lars Tvinde
Johanne Bruhn
Kona på gården
Dagmar Myhrvold
Annes mor
Henny Skjønberg
Jons mor
Rasmus Breistein
Halldor Krogh
Original Music Composer
Kristofer Janson
Gunnar Nilsen-Vig
Director of Photography

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