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Title: Tih Minh
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.6
Imdb Votes: 17
Duration: 418 mins
Year: 1918
Language: French,
Genre: Adventure, Crime,
Country: France,


Jacques d'Athys, a French adventurer, returns to his home in Nice after an expedition to Indochina where he has picked up a Eurasian fiancée and a book that, unbeknownst to him, contains a coded message revealing the whereabouts of both secret treasures and sensitive government intelligence. This makes him the target of foreign spies, including a Marquise of mysterious Latin origin, a Hindu hypnotist and an evil German doctor, who will stop at nothing to obtain the book.


Actors - Crew

Mary Harald
Tih Minh
René Cresté
Jacques d'Athys
Georges Biscot
Édouard Mathé
Sir Francis Grey
Louis Leubas
Gaston Michel
Dr. Gilson
Louis Feuillade
Georges La Faure
Léon Klausse
Julien Duvivier
Assistant Director

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