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Title: A Model's Confession
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 0
Imdb Votes: 0
Duration: 60 mins
Year: 1918
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


An important customer at Armande's, where Iva Seldon works as a model, is Billy Ravensworth, who purchases expensive gowns for a heartless vampire named Rita Challoner. When Billy pays for a number of gowns with a bad check, Iva is sent to Rita's home to collect the finery, and there she meets Bertrand Seldon, whom she recognizes as her own father, a society man who had deserted his wife years earlier and never acknowledged Iva. Rita learns that Billy is poor and breaks off their affair, after which Iva persuades him to pose as her fiancé so that she might enter society. Billy is content to maintain the masquerade in exchange for Iva's money, but soon finds himself jealous over her apparent romance with Bertrand. Iva agrees to accompany Bertrand on a drive, but the car plunges down a cliff, whereupon she reveals her identity. Before his death, Bertrand at last recognizes his daughter, and with his fortune, she and Billy begin a new life.


Actors - Crew

Mary MacLaren
Iva Seldon
Kenneth Harlan
Billy Ravensworth
Edna Earle
Rita Challoner
Herbert Prior
Bertrand Seldon
Louis Willoughby
Gretchen Lederer
King D. Gray
Director of Photography
Ida May Park
Ruby M. Ayres

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