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Title: The Mysterious X
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.6
Imdb Votes: 21
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1914
Language: No Language,
Genre: Mystery, Drama,
Country: Denmark,


Not long before marine officer van Hauen goes off to war and heavy-heartedly leaves his family, he coincidentally discovers that his wife has a secret liaison with the dubious Count Spinelli. What the van Hauens do not yet know, is that the sleazy Spinelli has a hidden agenda. (


Actors - Crew

Benjamin Christensen
Lieutenant van Hauen
Karen Sandberg
Lieutenant van Hauren's Wife
Fritz Lamprecht
Rear Admiral van Hauen
Amanda Lund
Old Jane, nurse
Hermann Spiro
Count Spinelli
Svend Rindom
Benjamin Christensen
A.W. Sandberg
Still Photographer
Laurids Skands
Emil Dinesen
Director of Photography

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